European Affairs Manager – UIP
Mrs. Price is Manager, European Affairs, for the International Union of the Wagon Keepers (UIP), where she deals with the relations with the European Commission, European Parliament, European Railway Agency and the media, influences technical and policy decision-making at Sector and European Levels, and develops strategies for policy and research for freight rail industry and rail transport in general.
She holds a PhD in Trans-European Networks – Transport Cohesion of the High-Speed Rail Network in South-West Europe from the University of Oxford, Transport Studies Unit, School of Geography and the Environment. She was a stagiaire at the European Commission, DGTREN (now DG MOVE), Unit Intermodality and Logistics Brussels, Belgium where she worked on the following Dossiers: Consultation Paper on Security in International Transport, Intermodal Loading Unit, Freight Integrator, Marco Polo Programme, INTERMODA Project.