Scientific Secretary – AFER
Mr. Buciuman has graduated from the Faculty of Transport, section of Railway Remote Control, 1977, University of Polytechnics in Bucharest and from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, section of Finances-Accounting, 1997, “Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj- Napoca.
He worked as Engineer in Signalling Centralization Blocking, Head of Centralisation Remote Control Department, Installation Manager CFR SA (1998-2000, 2003-2005) and Service Manager AFER (2001-2003, 2005-2009). Since 2009 until 2012 he has been Executive Manager AFER and since 2012 he has been occupying the position of Scientific Secretary within the same company. He represented CFR SA at UIC for the projects on interoperability. He was Associate Professor at the Technical University in Cluj- Napoca in 1992/1993 and 1993/1994 and professor at the Polytechnics University in Bucharest since 1999, where he introduced the classes Track control elements and the operation of railway remote control equipments and transport management. Ioan Buciuman elaborated several technical and scientific works on railway remote control and railway transport management and published speciality books in 1983, 1988, 2002 and 2008. In 2006, he obtained his PhD from the Polytechnics University in Bucharest, with the thesis “Contributions to the modernization and maintenance of the command-control-signalling installations in Romania in view of achieving the interoperability in the Trans- European railway transport”.