Romanian Ex-Minister of Transports
His professional experience, accumulated in his over 20 years of activity in fields such as management, railway business development, project management and implementation, research or academic, have allowed him to have representative positions in private or state companies in Romania and Europe, in the railway industry and operation field.
He was responsible, individually or in complex teams, for strategies of procurement, restructuring, market repositioning or integration in the structure demanded by the shareholders or the tutelary authority of companies such as: Romvag S.A (Romania), Karsdorfer Eisenbahn – KEG (Private Railway from Germany), Autoritatea Feroviară Română (AFER).
He created, developed and managed railway engineering companies such as Forschung Mess-und Daten-Technik Zentrum (Germany) and Sistematic Engineering (Romania), and represented the Romanian Railway Company in the Managing Board for Applied Research and Drafting of International Railway Norms within the European Railway Research Institute – ERRI (the Netherlands) – the Research Body of UIC (International Railway Union).
In February 2015 he was selected after an international procedure as Board Member and CEO of the Romanian Railway Company -CFR SA.
In August 2015 he was proposed as vice-president of Community of European Railways -CER
From November 17 until the 7th of July he was the Romanian Minister of Transport.